PoC Got Talent!
6:30pm - 9:00pm -
12th October 2017 -
Sir John's Level 1, Campus Centre, 21 Chancellors Walk, Monash University, Clayton
We are now taking expressions of interest!
Please contact the People of Colour office bearers if you’d like to participate in the 12th of October event: msa-poc-l@monash.edu
For the participants
Talented PoC, THIS IS YOUR MOMENT TO SHINE! What’s your talent? Show us by participating in our talent show! Are you the next Kanye or Beyonce? Or perhaps you can get us howling with laughter like Ronnie Cheng! In celebration of the talented people of colour community at Monash University, the MSA People of Colour is hosting a talent show on 12 October 2017, at 6:30PM in Sir John’s Bar. We’re striving to make a space to showcase and celebrate the talents of people of colour.
All interested students, faculty and staff will need to register online and audition prior to being admitted in the show. Whether you are an amazing singer, or can do something really weird with your body, we want to be shocked and amazed by what you can do! Talent can be any type of amateur entertainment (singing, dancing, comedy, magic tricks, etc.). There will be prizes for not only the winner, runner-up and second runner-up but also for best in category such as best singer, best magician, best dancer!
For the audience
You’re invited to come to the MSA PoC Department’s PoC’s Got Talent Show! It’s the time for talented PoC to shine! In celebration of the talented people of colour community at Monash University, the MSA People of Colour is hosting a talent show on 12 October 2017, at 6:30PM in Sir John’s Bar. We’re striving to make a space to showcase and celebrate the talents of people of colour.
Come witness something spectacular and maybe see the next Kanye or Beyonce! Whether you’ll see an amazing singer or see someone do something really weird with their body, prepare to be prepare to be shocked and amazed!
Tickets are $10 for MSA members and $15 for general public. $5 from every sale will go towards the fundraiser for the Asylum Seeker Refugee Scholarship.