
Introducing your 2025 MSA Executive!

  • President
  • Secretary
  • Treasurer


Hi everyone, and welcome to Monash University! My name is Sasha (she/her), and I am your elected MSA President for 2025. The Monash Student Association (MSA) is the representative body for every student at Monash Clayton. The MSA is run by a diverse range of elected students and professional staff, who represent all genders, races, religions, sexualities, abilities and experiences. We are all here to assist you in your journey through university and at every step of your student experience. I am proud to be your President for 2025, and excited for the year to come!


The President is the chair of the Monash Student Council (MSC) and Executive. MSC is the governing body of the MSA with 24 voting members in which we pass motions to determine what direction or stance the MSA will take on issues. Students are welcome to attend as observers, if you want to do so, please contact msa-secretary@monash.edu!


The President is the official spokesperson for the MSA, responsible for the day-to-day management and provide strategic direction for the organisation overall. The President is also responsible for negotiating with the University, liaising with the National Union of Students (NUS) and managing the public affairs of the organisation.


The President is subject to the direction of MSC and works closely with elected representatives and staff within the MSA, as well as University staff to ensure that student interests and the student experience are being advocated for and championed at all levels of governance. 


Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime if you have any questions or concerns!


Sasha Braybrooke

Your 2025 President


The Secretary assists the President and the Treasurer in their work and with the day-to-day running of the Monash Student Association (MSA).


The Secretary is also a member of the Monash Student Council (MSC) and MSC Executive. They are responsible for convening and taking minutes at these meetings and ensuring the MSA keeps proper records of all meetings. The Secretary’s role also entails basic administrative tasks like keeping track of other office-bearers’ leave and submission of reports.


Meetings of MSC are public and open to all students. If you would like to attend a meeting, contact the Secretary.


Felix Hughes

Your 2025 Secretary 



The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring the finances of the MSA and ensuring that the MSA establishes and maintains effective financial management systems.


They are also responsible for the preparation of the yearly budget and throughout the year he or she is required to review departmental spending based on the monthly financial reports developed by the Finance team.


The daily tasks of the Treasurer include overseeing financial requisitions making sure they are in line with the budget and working with the President and Secretary on other executive matters.



Campbell Frost

Your 2025 Treasurer