New Writing Initiatives
7:00pm - 11:00pm -
29th March 2018 -
14th April 2018 -
Monash Uni Student Theatre Ground Floor, 21 Chancellors Walk (Campus Centre), Monash University
Thursday, 29 March
7pm – 9:30pm
$5 at the door
Some poetry is meant to be read in silent solitude, and some is meant to be spoken, shared and performed. Felix Nobis has won many awards for his poetry performances and in several short workshops he will share some of his insights. Be part of the workshops and develop your own performance style, or join us on the night for an evening of spoken words and wonders!
Created and Facilitated by FELIX NOBIS
Assistant Producer LAUREN ABRAHAMS
PRONTO: Performed Readings of New Theatrical Offerings
9 – 14 April
7pm – 10:30pm
MSA Members: $6 at the door
General: $8 other at the door
Across a dedicated week, adventurous new playwrights will be paired with emerging directors and actors to present rehearsed readings of their diverse works. The PRONTO curators will host discussions between artists and audiences to further support the development of the playwrights’ work. Get involved in the conversation!
Curated and produced by KATE SPEAKMAN and KELLY WILSON (Pictured)
Also note “Works in Development”