SHIFT: a campaign against sexual violence at Monash
4th August 2017
The Monash Student Association presents SHIFT: a campaign against sexual violence at Monash.
On Friday the 4th of August, the MSA will host a series of activities across the Clayton campus to engage students with the campaign which aims to:
- Raise awareness of sexual assault
- Educate students around sexual assault
- Provide support and resources to survivors/victims of sexual assault
In the Airport Lounge, Monash University (Level 1 of the campus centre)
- Counselling and educational resources as provided by the South Eastern Centre Against Sexual Assault (SECASA)
In front of the Soundshell on the Lemon Scented Lawn
- Performance by a student actor presenting the story of a survivor, and highlighting the statistics around sexual assault
At the Sir Louis Matheson Library:
- Consent workshops held by the Safer Community Unit
On the lawn between S1-S3 behind The Boob Lawn
- A photo campaign and the opportunity to sign an open letter to the university about our demands to end sexual assault
At Monash Wholefoods
- A panel discussing the results to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s survey into sexual assault on university campuses.
- Abby Stapleton (National Union of Students Women’s Officer)
- Professor Susan Elliot (Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President of Monash University)
- Giselle Karto (SECASA)
Throughout the day, we will be distributing resource booklets and flyers addressing the background and intention of the campaign.