Yes to Equality
12:00pm - 4:00am -
13th September 2017 -
Menzies Lawn Building 11, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3168
We Say YES to Equality
Join us on Wednesday September 13
12pm Menzies Lawn, 2pm State Library, CBD
On August 26, 20,000 people took to the streets to demand a ‘Yes’ vote to marriage equality. It was the biggest LBGTI+ rally in Australia’s history, and set us in good stead to win marriage equality for Australia- but we need to keep building the campaign or the tide could turn. The ‘No’ campaign have launched their tv advertising campaign, and we need to step up organising our own side. Join Monash students at this rally to call for marriage equality!
If you’re on campus Wednesday 13th, meet us outside the campus centre on the Menzies lawn for speak out and equality bbq at 12pm. Then we’ll head into the city for the main thing starting at 2pm at the State Library.