
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
"By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes."

Thurs 26 - Sat 28 September, 7.30pm

& Matinee Sat 28 September, 1.30pm

in The Alexander Theatre, Ian Potter Centre for Performing Arts, Monash University, Clayton Campus 

Bookings via Monash Performing Arts Centres (MPAC) NOW OPEN.

Featuring a dynamic cast of 23, MUST returns to The Alexander Theatre with Macbeth; “the purest shot of Shakespeare one can get. His shortest tragedy, it’s a potent showcase of how ambition and power can corrupt and consume.”  – The Australian Financial Review.

Featuring evocative, razor-sharp verse that gallops along, the play is a “supreme theatrical poem with a language that eats into the soul. Once heard, it haunts the memory forever.”  – The Guardian

The corrosive nature of Macbeth’s unbridled power-lust and political ambition speak to us with contemporary immediacy. Violence begets violence, and insecurity breeds brutal tyranny. The play speaks to the danger of equating masculine worth with bold unilateral action and brute strength. It speaks to the repercussions of disregarding humanity in pursuit of glory. It draws the audience into the mental anguish of a murderer who is simultaneously a free agent and a victim of fate.

“Stars, hide your fires,
Let not light see my black and deep desires.”

This production is proudly supported through collaboration with Monash University Performing Arts Centres and the Office of the Pro Vice Chancellor, Major Campuses and Student Engagement.

MUST, or Monash Uni Student Theatre, is a department of the Monash Student Association.

Image by Elena Ruefenacht & Isla Hickey

On other productions from MUST in The Alexander Theatre


Spring Awakening, the musical

Drew Lane, Aussie Theatre: “… beautiful and affecting… you are left with your heart in your mouth...Bravo… it really is that good.” ★★★★★ 

TheatrePeople: “I was rendered speechless … pure ecstasy” ★★★★★


David Finnigan’s Kill Climate Deniers

My Melbourne Arts, Myron My: "Under the direction of Yvonne Virsik, the entire cast excel in their roles…impressive visual and aural design elements heighten the story…MUST has presented a highly entertaining and thought provoking event that makes Kill Climate Deniers one of the best shows I have seen so far this year, and will undoubtedly be one of the best shows I see this year."

Australian Arts Review: "as spectacular as it is relevant… has an urgency and passion that leaves you believing that there is hope…the kind of compelling and electric theatre that needs to be seen."


MUST's Production of Shakespeare in Love

Tom Gutteridge, MPAC Senior Programer: “a beautiful production with an astoundingly strong cast. I laughed and I cried!”

Cathy Hunt, president of Australian Women Directors’ Alliance: gloriously theatrical and very fun show!"

Lowan Sist, Executive Officer MSA: "an absolute triumph"


Director MUST Artistic Director Yvonne Virsik   

Assistant Director Eleanor Cooney    |    Dramaturg Sacha Acland

Associate Fight Choreographer Kyra Hatzikosmidis

Associate Movement Choreographer Su Min Lee

Set Design MUST Tech Manager Callum Dale

Assistant Set Design Lisa Zheng, Ryan Kepper & Seamus Allan

Production Manager Ruby Mattingley

Assistant Production Manager Ela Sherwood

Stage Manager Piper Knight    |    Deputy Stage Manager Eloise Vernon

Assistant Stage Managers Eisha De Silva & Jill Doughty

Composer Alex Aidt    |    Assistant Composer Hadar Flenner

Audio Designer Sofia Jorgovic

Assistant Audio Designer & Operator Jane Pekin

Audio Mentor Will Leslie

Costume Designer Marni McCubbin

Assistant Costume Designers Kirra O’Keefe, Thisanga Serasinghe & Kelsey Kim

Hair & Makeup Design Lucy Fraser 

Company Manager Madeleine Willshire

Assistant Company Manager Calvin Chow

Marketing Manager Isla Hickey

Marketing Team Rachelle Sitompul & Sophie Foster  

Lighting Designer Ryan Mangold

Assistant Lighting Designer & Operator Cai Venn

Followspot Operator Nicolani Susanto 

Mic Techs Brendan Litan & Hadar Flenner


CAST, in alphabetical order

Aditya Sinha Doctor

Angel Aguinaldo Lady Macduff’s son / Messenger 1 at Macbeth’s place

Elena Ruefenacht Lady Macbeth

Felicity Barrow First Witch

Fergus McLaren Ross

Giacomo Lees Duncan

Jasmine Salter Third Witch/ Seyton

Jerry Jiang Lord(s)

John Burgess Macbeth

Jonathan Best Banquo

Julia Faragher Lady Macduff / Caithness

Kieran O'Baoill Night Porter / Messenger 3 at Macbeth’s place?

Lachie Lane Fleance /Angus

Luca Edwards Donalbain / Young Siward

Max Pickering Malcolm

Nethuli Bandara Lennox

Nina Browne Third Murderer / Menteith

Patrick Leong Macduff

Tavisshi Dhawan Gentlewoman / Murderer 2

Taylor Segeal Sergeant, Siward

Thu Pham Murderer 1

Tiara Pires Second Witch

Vedant Pithia Old Man / Messenger 2 Lady Macduff’s place

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