Surly has heaps of ebooks and audiobooks for you to read! Our eLibrary is free for all Monash Students.
To read on your browser:
- If you've signed up with MSA+ or MSA Clubs, you'll automatically have elibrary access. If not, visit/email the library to create an account
- Visit our e-books Library Catalogue
- Start browsing, and Sign In your SURLY details to borrow
To read on the app:
- If you've signed up with MSA+ or MSA Clubs, you'll automatically have elibrary access. If not, visit/email the library to create an account
- Download the Libby App
- Click 'Find your Library'
- Search SURLY and select Student Union Recreational Library, SURLY MSA
- Start browsing, and Sign In with your SURLY details to borrow