Early Warning Letter
Student Advocacy and Support Officers are available to assist you in identifying problems and creating strategies to improve your chances of success at Monash. They can also inform you of other services available on and off campus.
What is an Early Warning Letter?
An Early Warning Letter indicates that your faculty believes you are at risk of not meeting minimum academic progress requirements.
You risk exclusion from your faculty if you:
- Fail more than 50% of your units in a year; and/or
- Fail a core unit twice; and/or
- Do not meet previous Academic Progress Committee (APC) conditions.
- It is important to note that variations to the above criteria do exist in some faculties; for example, failure of 50% of enrolled units may be seen as unsatisfactory.
What does this mean?
If you do not sufficiently improve your academic results, you will receive a Notice of Referral and Hearing and may subsequently be called to attend an APC Hearing so your faculty can discuss with you why you have not made progress in your course, and whether or not you are likely to be able to finish your degree. An APC wants to see you have taken concrete steps to seek help.
What can I do to improve and avoid exclusion?
You should make an appointment with a staff member to discuss your situation as soon as possible. If you ignore the letter and achieve poor results in semester two, Monash will look on your situation less favourably than if you take action NOW.
Only you can make improvements, however the MSA and Monash can assist you by helping you identify the source of the problem and possible solutions.
What are some common reasons for poor marks?
Too little time studying or ineffective methods
- Did you know that for every credit point you take, you are expected to spend 2 hours studying?
- That’s 48 hours a week including class time for a full-time load!
- Learning Skills Advisers can assist you in improving your academic language and approach to learning.
- The SMART Program runs sessions on time-management, motivation and procrastination, stress-management and exam preparation.
Too much time in paid employment
- Did you know that Monash recommends a maximum of 20 hours per week paid work if you are studying full-time?
- Did you know that Monash may help you with student loans?
Personal and emotional problems
- Problems are a normal feature of life.
- Did you know that Monash has a counselling service that’s free for students?
Not applying for Special Consideration if you’ve been sick or otherwise affected
- Did you know that there is a way of applying for extensions and deferred exams?
- NB: Students who complete their final examination/assessment task will not be eligible for Special Consideration.
- Important: Rules for what happens if you suddenly become unwell during an exam have changed. Please read the information here carefully. Always listen carefully to exam instructions.
- If you can’t attend your exam you will need to obtain evidence (such as a medical certificate) from that day, confirming you are totally unable to take your exam. Student Advocacy and Support officers can help advise on the necessary documentations.
You may need an Alternative Assessment Arrangement
MUST be organised well before the exam date.
- Students with a disability may arrange to have their exam/s held under alternative or varied conditions.
- Anxiety conditions may be supported.
- Contact Disability Services.
Housing and Financial Concerns
- The MSA has dedicated Welfare Officers who can assist you in times of need.
- Monash can provide housing advice and financial assistance. Contact Monash Connect for more details.
Withdrawn Incomplete Grade (WI) / Remission of Debt (RoD)
Alternatively, you may wish to apply for a Remission of Debt (RoD) and the Withdrawn Incomplete Grade (WI)
Units discontinued after the Withdrawn Fail Period commences will show as a fail on your Academic Transcript. If you feel you deserve your money back (RoD) and/or a WI, please contact the Student Advocacy and Support Office for advice and support.
Please note that there are very specific time frames for these applications.
If you have missed the WI due date, contact Student Rights immediately to discuss your options.
Important Nones
- Your postal address must be accurate on WES, including your summer postal address.
- You must check your University email during vacation periods. Also, forward your Monash email to an address you can access at all times if necessary.
- If you don’t receive correspondence from the University you may be excluded.