Application Process

What is the difference between the MSA Internship and Department Experience?

The two program are the same in terms of the tasks and requirements. However, the 'internship' positions are only available where a student is completing placement as part of a Monash Univerisity unit. The Department Experience however is available to all students and students will also be able to claim volunteer points. Students do not need to be

studying the related industry to be offered a Department Experience position (except for Finance interns). Please be advised, that Internship applications do take preference over Department Experience applications. This is because Internship applications require the experience to complete their course, where as Department Experience applications do not.

STEP 1: MSA Volunteer Policy

Prior to applying, please read the MSA Volunteer Policy

STEP 2: Complete and Submit Application and Agreements

To apply for any MSA Internship / Department Experience, please complete and submit the following documents:

Please submit application to the MSA Volunteer Coordinator

By email:
MSA Volunteer Coordinator, Stefanie Maccar

In person or by mail:
Attn: Stefanie Maccar
Monash Student Association, Level 1, Campus Centre, 21 Chancellors Way, Monash University, Clayton VIC 3800.

STEP 3: Application Process

If your application is successful, you will be offered an interview. If you complete your interview successfully, you will be offered a position during one of your preferred Internship/Experience terms.

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